Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Brick Factory

Alright, as I mentioned last post, we're moving across the Savannah River and into North Augusta, SC. In this case, we're crossing the 13th St. bridge, then heading a bit west into what is now forest. Here, tucked away amidst the trees and vines, is an old brick factory. I've tried to figure out just WHAT brick factory this was, but I can find no mention of it anywhere. No, not even on Google.

Georgia had statewide prohibition from 1908-1935, a span much longer than federal prohibition, which lasted from 1920-1933. So, South Carolina decided to meet the demand, in spite of some serious protest by the Temperance Movement, by building a package store, which could sell alcohol, just below the 13th St. bridge. As a result, the area under the bridge, just before you come to the brick factory, had a reputation for being somewhat unsavory. Even worse were the streetcars that passed by, often filled with drunk men. The women of the area stayed off the cars at certain times and days to avoid harrassment. In addition, every day, hundreds of people walked across the bridge, some for work, some for alcohol. It's amazing to imagine; there's nothing below the bridge now and hardly anyone crossing over. It's desolate.

The package store operated for a long time, decades after Georgia repealed the prohibition laws. The building itself survived until relatively recently. About a decade or so ago, I believe, it burned down, the result of arson. Yes, you're absolutely right if you think that annoys me. I would've loved to have gotten into it. All that remains now is some cement flooring. However, it won't be long before even that is gone. They've got big plans for the area. This is a photo of the largest of the buildings in the factory complex.

Even the ruins of this old brick factory are not long for the world. The city of North Augusta has broken ground on a massive development that will consume most of the woodland west of the bridge, all the way up to the river bank. There's going to be residential development, paved streets, apartment complexes, and even a huge convention center. Check out these drawings. Sure, I prefer it the way it is, but I don't think my bad attitude is the only reason the word "failure" springs so quickly to mind. Um, folks, Charleston is a bit farther east.

One of the most unsettling things you find around abandoned buildings (and also train tracks, deserted parking lots, river banks, etc.) are women's shoes. They're usually high-heels or something dressy and often in much better condition than the surrounding debris. They're shockingly ubiquitous and it simply can't be good. In this instance, it appeared that a woman had lived in one of the smaller buildings in the complex. Judging by some of the other items left around it's possible she was a prostitute. I simply can't imagine that she brought customers to the factory. But I can say that most people would lose their minds if they had to spend a single night out here. Brutal. Did I mention that we're no longer doing the family-oriented posts?

This kiln above actually not part of the larger brick factory complex, but some distance away. It was probably part of another factory altogether. I wish someone had written the history of Augusta's brick factories so I'd know what some of this was. In any case, there were many brick factories in the area because of the nice red clay. There are also remnant clay pits nearby, all soon to be filled-in for parking lots or whatever. I may post some photos of those later.

So, that's probably the most comprehensive overview of the area's remaining brick factories that you're going to find. Not much, eh? If anyone knows anything more, please contact me. Actually, if anyone ever knows anything more about any of the things I'm posting, don't hesitate to leave a comment. I'd love to hear about it.

2013 UPDATE: During my return to the Central Savannah River Area in 2012 for the Augusta Photography Festival I was told that this brick factory may have gone by the name Hankinson and Haugh Bricks. Also, it would seem this entire area is now in serious jeopardy. Not from the massive Hammond's Ferry Development, which for some reason hasn't encroached yet, but from a minor league baseball stadium that looks like it would be put right on top of the brick factory (and maybe on top of the very nice Brick Pond Park, too). Sorry, I just can't get behind it.


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Hi, I ran across your blog after I moved to North Augusta. I was lucky to find the old kiln you posted a few pictures up. I found many old bricks, and many foundations spread far out. Thanks for the photos and history.

  2. So the kiln is still there? I'm surprised--and pleased--to hear that. Is the factory still there, too? I know much of that area has been developed now.

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!



  3. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Hey! I live charleston SC and found something similar to what you posted. I found a bunch of bricks and a foundation of bricks on a marsh bank. Me and my friends think it was an old brick factory but can't find any info about. Were still not sure as to what it was.

  4. Cool! I'm sure there's lots of old brick factories in Charleston. I really love Charleston--beautiful city--although it can get HUMID!

    Thanks for your comment!


  5. Julianna5:46 PM

    Hi, don't know how old this is but I stumbled unto this in the woods when my boyfriend and I were exploring the area. My friend just moved into one of the townhouses over there. Couldn't figure out what it was at first but it looks like everything that you posted pictures of is still there! We also found a structure that looked like a long semi-underground tunnel that we were curious as to what it was, maybe we were on the other side of the kiln? And also we were wondering what that tiny little house with the fireplace would have been used for, if it was a house or an office? I couldn't find any information on the name of the factory either :(

  6. Hi Julianna,

    The photos with this post are all about 6-7 years old, but I was back in N. Augusta last year and was surprised that the brick factory was still there. It was supposed to be torn down a few years ago, but I guess the Hammond's Ferry development has slowed a bit and thus the factory has been spared. At least for awhile.

    Anyway, an historian named Bill Baab wrote this little bit in a longer article on Augusta bricks:

    "It’s not certain who manufactured the PEERLESS / AUGUSTA, GA. brick, which was used in building construction. Given that many were found on the South Carolina side below North Augusta’s new Hammond’s Ferry project, researchers opine that they were made by the Hankinson Brick Company during the early 1900s. Their brickyard was located in the bottomlands."

    I think most of the PEERLESS / AUGUSTA, GA. bricks have been scavenged from that site, but you might find a few still. In any case, I believe this is the location Mr. Baab was speaking of and that would make the buildings part of the Hankinson Brick Company.

    As for the tunnels, I think they were used for heating and/or cooling of the bricks. But the little house with the fireplace is a mystery to me, as well.

    Thanks for the comment!


  7. i was looking for info on augusta brick...i have one brick, was told it was used to pave some of the city streets here in jacksonville, fl. we use it for a door stop...think we will keep it.
    thanks for the info.

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      I have one too.

    2. We recently purchased a home built in 1905 that has a brick patio and garden path made from Augusta Block measuring about 40 ft by 18 feet.

  8. Jacksonville is known to be where lots of Augusta bricks ended up. There are a few articles on-line, such as THIS ONE on the "Old Brick Roads of Florida." Bill Baab, an historian from Augusta, wrote a long piece on Augusta bricks, but, unfortunately, it's not on-line. I could e-mail it to you if you wish though.

    Thanks very much for your comment. I've got an Augusta brick myself...


  9. I would love to read up on the Augusta bricks if you still have the email? I ran into a gentleman here in jax who is selling a unbelievably low price, about 2000 Augusta bricks. I don't think he knows what a gold mine he is sitting on. My wife and I are elated to be getting such a great find for so cheap. We are talking....cheaaappp!. I loved your article. I'm totally hooked on reading up on the history of Jacksonville's brick roads.


    A happy guy in Florida

  10. Hello Jax Brick Guy,

    Thanks for your message! It sounds like you got a great deal on more than a ton of historic bricks! Very cool. I'd be happy to e-mail the article on Augusta bricks to you, but I didn't see an address associated with your profile. You can either leave a message here with your contact info or contact me directly through the e-mail address on my profile.

    Thanks again and enjoy those bricks! I've only got one myself...


    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      Hi JM please send me the article. Very interesting. Thank you!!!! again....ty

  11. I would love to get more information on the Augusta Brick. I live in Wilmington NC where these bricks were used a great deal on the roads and sidewalks. I was given a huge stack by a friend who was re-pouring their driveway and didn't want the bricks. I have used some in the backyard for a sidewalk, but have always wanted more information on them. Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.

  12. Thanks for your comment, Karen W! I do indeed have more information on Augusta bricks. In fact, I have three long and very comprehensive articles written by Bill Baab.

    However, I can't find them anywhere on the internet and there is too much to post here in the comments section. So if you could contact me through the e-mail address at "View My Complete Profile" in the upper right or send me a message at the
    City of Dust Facebook Page I can get those articles to you.

    The history of Augusta bricks is extensive, wide-ranging, and a little mysterious!

    Thanks again! JM

  13. Hi Ty,

    I just sent you an e-mail with the article. Check your spam folder if you don't see it as sometimes the cityofdust address gets hung up.

    Enjoy! JM

  14. I found a brick in Beech Island SC on my property. There use to be a old house there but nothing left but underground things..The brick is in whole and you can still read it..R & M Augusta Ga on the brick.I don't have a clue how old it is...I have a pic..But the Augusta GA part is almost gone but the L & M you can still see very good..Any one want the pic just Email me

    1. I have an R&M Augusta GA brick. Wish I knew some history on it!

  15. Vintage Red Brick found near Augusta GA...Reads R & M Augusta GA
    I have a

  16. Hi Guitar Player,

    Thanks for dropping by CoD! Those bricks sound very interesting. I'll send you an e-mail in a second so you can get me some photos. Looking forward to seeing them!

    Thanks again! JM

  17. Hey Goober22,

    A R&M Augusta brick, eh? So, this is intriguing! Here's a list of Augusta manufacturers and brick stamps (some manufacturers may not have stamped their name (i.e., McKenzie Brick Company and perhaps Hankinson--although they may have made the Peerless Augusta)) put together by local brick expert Bill Baab:


    Clearly, there is no R&M in that list. However, I was sent a photo of one last year (could it have been from you?!), so I know they exist. I wish I knew more, too!

    Anyway, I can send you Bill Baab's article if you're interested. Just e-mail me via the address at the "View My Complete Profile" link at the top right or find me at the City of Dust Facebook page.

    Thanks for stopping by! JM

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      I have an R&M AUGUSTA GA brick

  18. I got a bunch of bricks from this company just thought it was cool looked up name and all this popped up I have some pics of them and I posted on Lego for sale

  19. Wow,, that's fantastic! The patio and path must look incredible. Is your home near Augusta? A lot of those bricks made it to Florida, too.

    Thanks for letting us know, and enjoy your new home! JM

  20. I'd love to read the Bill Baab article. Please send it to Thanks! -Rich Menger

  21. Hi Rich,

    I just sent you an email with Bill's piece. If you don't see it check your spam folder. And if you *still* don't see it lemme know. Sometimes Word.doc attachments get shot down by the filters.

    Thanks for your interest! JM

  22. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Good afternoon, I remember visiting the old brick factory on the river many years ago when I was a child. I was wondering if I could use one of your photos for an educational paper I wrote for my history group about why I teach history?
    Thanks so much,
    Jean Faulk

  23. Thanks for sharing your memories, Jean! And, of course, I'd be happy to have you use a photo in your paper! If you need a higher resolution version, you can email me at the address in my profile. You know, I'd be interested in reading your paper myself if you're willing to send it my way! JM
