In Socorro County, New Mexico, tucked off a side road that parallels I-25, not far from a muddy stretch of the Rio Grande, is the little village of Contreras. This was where a man named Matías Contreras once raised cattle and sheep and gave his name to a small community. A post office opened in 1919 but closed in 1935.
Not far south of Contreras is La Joya, the literal end of the road, and, in fact, a map from 1918 has Contreras as Los Ranchos de la Joya. La Joya’s recorded history post-European contact goes back much farther, to 1598, when Juan de Oñate's expedition found a Piro Indian pueblo there and called it Nueva Sevilleta because the setting reminded the Spanish explorers of Seville, Spain.

To me, the most striking building in Contreras is the old, long-empty school, naturally. I don’t know much about it, but I do know that students were attending classes there in the 1930’s. So perhaps it's one of the many Works Progress Administration (WPA) structures built in the area around the time of the Great Depression. Nearby Alamillo has a WPA school that became (and might still be) a residence, although it looks quite different.
There used to be a plaque to the right of the front doors (see top photo), which I somehow managed to miss. Later I was told it commemorated some local folks involved with the school, but before I could get back to look more closely it had been removed. I don’t think it was stolen though; probably it was taken off because the building is in such poor condition. Maybe whoever has it will read this and tell us what it says! I should mention that I photographed the school a few years ago and not only is it in worse shape now, it's also been fenced-off.

Otherwise, the San Jose Catholic Church, part of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, is well-maintained and hosts a fiesta in March. There are no going commercial or civic concerns, but there are some well-kept homes and, if you visit whilst under the vengeful eye of the relentless afternoon sun on a parched, triple-digit day, plenty of dust. Of course, as this is the blog for connoisseurs of dust, everything is as it should be with this trip to Contreras, New Mexico.

There’s not a lot out there on Contreras, so pretty much all the historical information for this post came from Robert Julyan’s trusty “The Place Names of New Mexico.”
I have a backlog of so many small towns and villages in New Mexico that I may well never get to them all at this rate. But I can keep trying! Next time I’ll just reach my hand into the hat and see what I pull out.

great post! thanks
Thank you, Ruben Chandler. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing Contreras! JM
The schoolhouse reminds me of the schoolhouse in the Village of San Acacia, north of Socorro. The building is use by San Acacia Riding Adventures.
You're absolutely right, Laughing Orca Ranch! I've never taken a photo of the San Acacia school because it's used by SA Riding Adventures and thus looks too...well kept, maybe! But I really should document it. And maybe take a horse ride!
Thanks for mentioning that! JM
I love your posts, I live in the UK and they're like messages from another world.
Thanks for your comment, Roger J Hampson! It's much appreciated. Sometimes I feel like I've stepped into another world, too. And I live here!
Best Regards, JM
My mother was born in Contreras, NM. I believe that many family members are buried in a nearby cemetery. Do you have any pictures of the cemetery? I remember passing through Contreras on the way to visit family in La Joya when I was younger. Thanks for posting the pictures. This was a sentimental journey for me!
Thanks, Anna Howle! It is not often that I hear from someone with a connection to Contreras! Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of the cemetery, but I am in that area quite regularly. I could easily take some pictures soon and, if there are any names in particular that you are interested in finding, I could try to do that.
La Joya is a fascinating place, as well. I really should try to do a post on it some day, too.
Best Regards, JM
My grandmother was born in Silver City and baptized in a town by the name of Georgetown. I understand that Georgetown is no longer there. THere is, however, a cemetery and a bed and breakfast business as of two years ago when I was doing some research. Have you ever been there? I've been meaning to try and find Georgetown, but don't know if that is possible, due to road conditions. It would be interesting to see what it looks like today. Georgetown is in Grant county, not far from Silver City. Love you posts, by the way. Thanks.
Hi Yogi,
Thanks for your comment! That's really something that your grandmother was baptized in Georgetown. I have not been to there, sadly enough. I've been very close a number of times, so I'm afraid I have no excuse! However, I believe you can access the town site without too much difficulty by heading west from Mimbres on Georgetown Rd. or picking up the other end of that road from Highway 152 east of Santa Rita. I'm not sure if it's paved, but I think the road is generally in good shape. While you're right that virtually nothing exists of Georgetown itself, the cemetery is accessible and you can see a photo (and get some more info) HERE. Incidentally, Georgetown Cabins Resort picked up that story and commented on it HERE. You might try calling them about current road conditions before heading out.
Hope that helps! Feel free to let us know what you find if you make the trip. Glad you found City of Dust! JM
Contreras, New Mexico - Settled first by Juan Andres Contreras and his family. His son, Matias Cotreras, is probably the reason Los Ranchos de La Joya became Contreras. Plenty of information has been posted on line - photos, stories, etc. You have not allowed for the posting of phots, etc. My mom's paternal grandfather, Albino Contreras, was the brother of Matias Contreras (Matias served in the New Mexico Territorial Legislature, was a Probated Judge, served as a first Lt. in the New Mexico Volunteers during the Civi War, was a Socorro County Commissioner, etc.).
Thanks for the information, Anonymous. It isn't me that doesn't allow the posting of pictures here in the comments. As far as I know, Blogger has never enabled such a feature. However, if you want to send me photos through the e-mail address associated with my Blogger profile (link at above right), I'd be happy to append them to the post itself. Or, you can send me a message with photos through the City of Dust Facebook page.
Thanks again! JM
My family owns this land, I remember my grandfather telling me stories of my old relative who used to raise the sheep and cattle of the land. It was so great to know that other people know about this old little village
I can’t help but grieve when a small promise of a town dies. To tell its story is the most loving honor a writer can give.
Hi Would you email me I have some questions regarding Albino Contreras.
Are you talking about the baseball player Albino Contreras, Unknown? If so, I'll have to stretch a bit to make a connection to Contreras, New Mexico! JM
My grandmother Claudina Contreras was the daughter of the founder of the town. They came over from Spain, she was born in the town (and states on her birth certificate) and went to school there as well. It is sad the last remaining building the school was sold to a private party and was not kept in the family. But things happen.
Hello my dad was born in Contreras and attended that school before going to the Pacific to fight in WWII. My mom and dad were also married in that church in La Joya in 1949.
Thank you for sharing your family histories, Victor Tafoya and Unknown! It is really something to hear from people whose families attended the schools and churches I've photographed. Not to mention founded the village itself!
I only wish I had a picture of the church in La Joya. I apologize, Victor!
Thanks again! JM
Plenty of history here, as I currently live there. I am a direct descendant of the Contreras family. I am actually named Alvino Bob Contreras III. My father is Alvino Contreras. The stories are intriguing, rich and many. A distant relative Jonathan Ortega of Belen, NM has painstakingly researched my our family for years and is a wealth if knowledge. He is on Facebook if anyone is interested in further information. I'm glad and honored the village of Contreras NM and my ancestors are acknowledged and recognized. New Mexico is rich with history
Alvino Bobby Contreras
Thank you for your comment, Alvino Bobby Contreras! It's wonderful to hear from a member of the Contreras family! I'm very happy to know that you enjoyed the post. That means something! If other members of your family would like to comment here, or even submit material to add to the post itself, please send them this way! There is indeed a rich history in Contreras and throughout New Mexico.
Thanks again, and best wishes for 2020! JM
My great great grand father Lorenzo Salas his grave sight there is fenced off with big tombstone with his picture of him on it still very intact he died in 1929
My grandfather Miguel Salas ranched and raised his family there my mother and her family were from La Joya all these stories are familiar to me
My great great grandfather Lorenzo Salas was his son in law I think
My cousin did that search of family tree and filled in a few blanks about Contreras
Hi, my grandfather's name was Felipe Contreras and my great grandfather's name was Enepomuceno or Nepomuceno, anyway I did visit the cemetery and I will send pics when I get a chance. At work. Must go.
Thank you for your comments! It's great to hear from members of the Contreras family! For some (inexcusable) reason I never managed to visit the cemetery, so I'd really love to see some pictures whenever you're able to send them. You can find my email address by clicking the "View My Complete Profile" in the upper right of this page.
Thanks again! JM
my abuela was Augustinita Contreras Ulibarri. her dad was Don Pedro Contreras. both from Contreras, Nm what happened to the Contreras land grant?
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